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FFA Week / Snow Week
National FFA Week is coming up, February 20-27, 2021. FFA is the premier youth organization preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture. Traditionally at WEM, our local FFA chapter has hosted events for the student body as well as taken the opportunity to promote FFA. We are fortunate to have a robust FFA program at WEM and wish to continue with tradition this year.

In addition, WEM will be expanding FFA’s planned festivities and adopting a new tradition, Snow Week! Snow Week will feature BUCS Pride values and celebrate student success! Snow Week will also crown a king and queen from the senior class as well as princes and princesses from the junior, sophomore, and freshman classes. The court will be made up of three male and three female candidates from each grade level.

The candidates will be selected by the teaching staff. The teachers will make decisions based on BUCS Pride traits. Each class level’s student body will cast a ballot for their grade’s royalty. The Snow Week coronation will take place on Friday, February 19, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. The student body and parents of the court will be invited to the event as we will need to remain vigilant of large group gatherings.

Snow Week Activities
Author: Margo Kulseth   E-Mail:

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The Mission of the Waterville-Elysian-Morristown School District is to inspire everyone who enters to achieve academic, social, and personal skills to become career, college, and community ready.
WEM ISD #2143
500 East Paquin Street
Waterville, MN 56096

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507-685-4222 Middle School Office (Morristown)
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