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Online Support Groups
WEM is partnering with Counseling Services of Southern Minnesota to provide online support groups via Zoom for WEM teachers, parents, and students in grades 1-6 and 7-12 to come together and provide support to each other, have time to relax, discuss troubling topics during these troubling times, and share experiences. All groups are free of charge and will be held weekly on Mondays and Thursdays through December 2020. Join at any time. We hope to see you there! For questions, details, and Zoom links for your peer group, please contact your student's teacher or the school office. 

Online support groups

Author: Margo Kulseth   E-Mail:

About Us
The Mission of the Waterville-Elysian-Morristown School District is to inspire everyone who enters to achieve academic, social, and personal skills to become career, college, and community ready.
WEM ISD #2143
500 East Paquin Street
Waterville, MN 56096

507-362-4432 District Office
507-362-4439 Elementary Office
507-362-4431 High School Office
507-685-4222 Middle School Office (Morristown)
507-362-4403 Community Ed / Athletics

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