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 News Article
School-Age Child Care (S.A.C.C.) 2020-2021
School-Age Child Care is a child care program for children in Kindergarten through age 12. We offer children the chance to make the most out of their time out of school with opportunities to explore new interests, learn new skills, and develop new friendships. Children can register for care regularly or specific non-school days, early dismissals, and/or late starts. Check out the School Age Child Care page on our website for all the details and forms.

Sign up or contact Jennifer Holicky with questions.

School Age Child Care 2020-2021 Handbook and Forms
Author: Margo Kulseth   E-Mail:

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The Mission of the Waterville-Elysian-Morristown School District is to inspire everyone who enters to achieve academic, social, and personal skills to become career, college, and community ready.
WEM ISD #2143
500 East Paquin Street
Waterville, MN 56096

507-362-4432 District Office
507-362-4439 Elementary Office
507-362-4431 High School Office
507-685-4222 Middle School Office (Morristown)
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