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 News Article
School Board Special Election
The WEM School board will hold a special election on August 10, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The following
three people have filed to be on this ballot.
• Jon Bakken
• Matthew Klicker
• David Schuster

Voting will be at the city halls in Waterville, Elysian, and Morristown. Absentee ballot registration forms for the school board special election on August 10, 2021, are available from Pegi Wolff in the district office. There is one form for registered voters and another for those wishing to register. Submit the proper form when completed to receive the absentee ballot from Pegi. Stop into the district office or call Pegi at 507-362-4432 to have the forms mailed to you.

For more information:
Notice of Special Election
Notice of Location Where Ballots will be Counted

As a district, WEM is obligated to provide the facts about a school board election but must remain neutral regarding candidates' campaigns or platforms. That information must come from the candidates. The local newspaper, Lake Region Life, will publish an article about them on August 4, 2021. Those who do not subscribe to the newspaper may be able to read the article online, and the local newspapers are also available for everyone at the public libraries in Waterville and Elysian.

Author: Margo Kulseth   E-Mail:

About Us
The Mission of the Waterville-Elysian-Morristown School District is to inspire everyone who enters to achieve academic, social, and personal skills to become career, college, and community ready.
WEM ISD #2143
500 East Paquin Street
Waterville, MN 56096

507-362-4432 District Office
507-362-4439 Elementary Office
507-362-4431 High School Office
507-685-4222 Middle School Office (Morristown)
507-362-4403 Community Ed / Athletics

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